Vi posto la loro dichiarazione :
4 - 5 – 2012
A warning to those considering or having already purchased a True Blue clone: we have previously implemented special anti-clone technology in the True Blue firmware which accurately detects clones and when such a clone is detected, will activate one of several effects at random intervals, such as erasing the internal PS3 HDD. The recent JBKing 2.5 software update is especially affected by these measures; anyone using this clone will be subject to data loss as a result of random HDD erasure as well as other effects. Other anti-clone measures are now being developed and will be deployed shortly.
Clones of True Blue will be blocked and future EBOOT's will not function with such devices. It is therefore important that users, in the interests of enjoyment and to avoid wasting money on trivially detectable clones, should purchase only original True Blue devices.
...quindi ATTENTI, il vostro HDD interno potrebbe formattarsi con futuri aggiornamenti rialsciati da loro !!!
Cito anche una risposta di molti utenti stranieri di vari forum :
you get what you are asking for.... Better buy a very expensive SSL certificate for your "site"
Forse mi hanno appena dichiarato guerra a molti hacker...???