Area dedicata alla discussione su Custom Firmware e Firmware Ufficiali
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21 mag 2010, 18:31


Terra - 1978


Slim CEX 4.55R/Fat 60gb DEX PS3ITA

Custom Firmware - raccolta Tools

da twingolover » 5 gen 2011, 11:33

Qui si raccolgono i vari tools legati al Custom Fimware

twingolover ha scritto:Flukes Tools
Clicca su Spoiler per leggere la descrizione (Inglese)
As you may know if you’ve been following my progress, last week I took a short break from Wi-Fi Sync to look at the PS3 and how it works behind the scenes. The PS3 homebrew scene is currently at a point where you can install userland packages, such as FTPDs and SNES emulators, but you still don’t have any access to the hypervisor or GameOS kernel. It’s still very much a closed system.

As an iPhone developer with an app on Cydia, I can see great potential within the PS3. It’s crying out for a decent package manager, but you need OS-level access to do that effectively. Unlocking the PS3 in this way has other benefits too; the system can effectively be modified in any way you wish.

So today I’m releasing three tools which open the PS3’s hypervisor (lv1) and GameOS (lv2) to full read/write access from packaged userland applications. These tools can be used to create and test lv1/lv2 patches in RAM, which negates the risk of bricking your PS3 by flashing it with an incorrectly patched lv1 or lv2 binary. You can also use the tools to create a patched lv1 or lv2 binary, if you wish, although I suggest thoroughly testing your patches in-memory first.

I will a few things clear before continuing: I do not condone piracy and these tools DO NOT enable copied games to run on the PS3. Again: these tools will not allow backup managers to suddenly start working on firmware 3.55. The tools are packaged in source code form and do not include any Sony code or other Sony assets such as encryption keys. If you’re not a developer, these tools will be useless to you, so please do not try to use them. They are made available with no implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.

Three tools are being made available today:

* This allows you to automatically replace any segment within a self and re-sign the self so the signatures and hashes are all valid again. Similar to makeself, but it is more suited towards patching lv1 and lv2 (and has been tested for this purpose).
* This is just a convenience script I made to take a modified, re-signed lv1.self and lv2_kernel.self, and automatically create a PUP which is identical to an original PUP except for those two files.
* lv1dumper. This is an application which runs on the PS3 that you can compile and package using PSL1GHT and geohot’s tools. After running it, lv1 will be mapped at 0×8000000014000000 with read/write access, and you will be able to poke lv2 without the system shutting down. It disables the new lv2 memory hashing feature Sony added to 3.55 (probably to stop future USB jailbreaks).

lv1dumper requires that some patches to lv1 and lv2 are already in place. I’ll describe how to add these patches. They have been tested but I cannot guarantee that they won’t brick your PS3. Do not do this unless you’re comfortable with that.

Firstly, you need to extract the decrypted code segments from lv1.self and lv2_kernel.self (just use unself and copy them directly out of the ELF), and make the following changes to to them, assuming you’re using 3.55:

* lv1_undocumented_function_114 in lv1 must be patched so that it can be used to map any area of real memory. graf_chokolo found this trick months ago, but it still applies here. Patch the byte at D5A47 from 00 to 01.
* You then need to add peek and poke to lv2. Patch 1933C to E8 63 00 00 60 00 00 00 and 19348 to F8 83 00 00 60 00 00 00.

You can then use to re-insert your patched code segment back into the self. You’ll firstly need to change a few bytes in some useless strings because of the way zlib deflate works; the script will tell you what to do. I found that changing strings was the easiest way to do this, it just takes a bit of trial and error.

Finally, use to create your modified PUP. You’ll need to update to the PUP, then install geohot’s jailbreak PUP over the top of it. If you’ve done everything right, lv1dumper should just exit after you run it and you’ll have r/w access to lv1 and lv2 (peek and poke). The lv1_peek, lv1_poke, lv2_peek and lv2_poke functions in lv1dumper show how to use that access.

I’m hoping that some interesting and innovative stuff can come out of this, and maybe we can start to see ‘unofficial’ apps enjoying the same success on the PS3 that they do on the iPhone.


twingolover ha scritto:Raw Game Installer
dobosz un membro di PS3Hax ha creato una applicazione che permette di convertire un backup di un gioco in un file pkg.
L' applicazione usa codice sviluppato da GeoHot, Team Fail0verFlow, e DeLiGhT

Changelog versione
- Fixato crash cygwin (unself) in merito alle cartelle.
- Aggiunto un check per verificare se la cartella Game contenga spazio sufficiente.


twingolover ha scritto:d0zspatcher Autodecrittazione eboot, modifica e compattazione pkg
d0zs membro di PS3Hax ha creato un altro tool per PKG che decritta l' eboot , lo modifica, e lo compatta in pkg con un drag and click.
Include la funzione firmware spoofer(cambia sia il file eboot e Param), dev_hdd0/dev_usb001 e cambio di directory.

Info dall' autore
Version 1.0

ho cercato di renderlo più semplice possibile, ecco come funziona:

1) Installa cygwin con le opzioni di default (se già fatto, satare questo passaggio)
2) Copiare i file di gioco e creare una cartella come questa (nonn iare tutto il contenuto della cartella USRDIR ma solo il file EBOOT.BIN):

BLES01031 <---Il nome della cartella posta nella root deve avere un gameid valido
-ICON0.PNG e gli altri file in questa cartella

3) Trascinare la cartella (BLES01031 dell' esempio sopra) sull 'exe d0zspatcher.exe
Si possono cambiare i settaggi nella GUI e premere start.


twingolover ha scritto:Tutorial per creare un custom PKG con icona nella XMB( in inglese)

Download EBOOT Creation Kit

clicca su Spoiler
I take no credit for this tutorial(ok a little) as it made up of the findings of Naha09 or Israyal, Kayot and Valarnin.. and Japsander. This is a 2 Part Tutorial so you need to read all of it.

From Japsander

To make a custom PKG Game

Download EBOOT Creation Kit

This application is all automated. So its a step by step proccess that does EVERYTHING for you

Its preety much Press Enter for the whole proccess. So i wont go into it.
At the end you’ll have a custom PKG. (the file size is very small so you can install it via *Install Package Files (if you want)

Then install the main contense of your game via FTP if the files are too large or Comgenie’s Awesome File Manager.

If the game is cutup into parts, install it to the hard drive first, then move the files from USRDIR to dev_hdd0/game/BLESXXXXX/ do not replace the EBOOT.

Now for Part 2:

From Israyal/Naha09


To make a custom PSN Pill. [3.55 or 3.41] (its what appears when you download a PSN game)

1: FTP into /dev_hdd0/vsh/task/ and make folder a folder called 0000XX (the folder name is random so it will be any number) to make it a bit easier, go to and download a random PSN package. Install it. This will make the folder for you.

2: Now you should have a folder 000000XX go into it and pull the folowing files down: d0.pdb (psn database) d1.pdb and ICON_FILE.

3: Drag d0.pdb file into a Hexeditor HXD is a good hexeditor.

4: Change the name of the current PKG to what you want it to be, it has to be same amount of letters as the previous name,(so make sure you get a largish pkg, like a demo or something, so you have more room to work with) otherwise it wont show, although it can be anything, as long as you dont add or subtract to the pdb.

5: Change the Content-ID to the name of your homemade pkg. eg: IV0001-BLESXXXX_00-00000000000000. You have to make these edits to d0.pdb and d1.pdb

6: Now for the part i actually did discover XD. Put .jpg on the end of the ICON_FILE to make it editable in say InfranView. It will come up with a standard icon. Now, take any picture you’d like (this will be the image you’ll see in the bubble)

7: Take the ICON_FILE from earlier, put .jpg on the end and go to edit in InfranView. Look at the dimentions on the picture, change your custom icon to match those of the ICON_FILE. Delete the old icon file. And rename your new custom icon to ICON_FILE.

8: Now fire up FTP, and head to dev_hdd0/task/00000XX/. Upload your files youve just made and also take the custom PKG and upload that as well into the same directory. Turn off the PS3, then turn it back on.

(If you forget the PKG, you’ll get an error stating the package couldnt be found.)

9: Now the package you’ve just uploaded should now be in a “PSN Pill” Press on it, and it will install.

Go back on to part 1 to install the rest of the game.

Just like Backup Managers, some games may not work, the EBOOT creator is still pretty experimental, so it wont be perfect but some games will work. Vanquish for example.

twingolover ha scritto:PKG GUI Signer By MohammadAG
Un nuovo tool che si occupa di rendere firmati i PKG da caricare sull' ultimo SFW 3.55 di Geohot
disponibile sia in verione Linux che Windows.

Linux ... 1_i386.deb ... _amd64.deb ... _armel.deb

Windows ... Signer.exe

twingolover ha scritto:PS3FOXX-GUI-MAJ by Foxx1984

Foxx1984 un membro di Logic Sunrise, ha creato un applicazione che aiuta a creare file PKG usando la funzione makepkg.exe sviluppata dal gruppo fail0verflow.
Il tool in questione ha un' interfaccia grafica molto semplice da usare e gira in ambiente Windows.
L'hash MD5 è: B9EE178FC1FF8B78534AD7564509DA15.
Le funzioni inserite da FOXX1984 sono:

Da GeoHot:

Da fail0verflow:

** Aggiornamento **

1-Miglioramento dell' interfaccia per la funzione packaging
2-Risolto un BUG nelle preference dell' utente, salvate ora in un file .config
3-L' hash MD5 è diventato: 934D9531B9529F337F5C2482FA1C820F


twingolover ha scritto:PS3 Homebrew Signer


Una ottima utility che permette di rendere firmato (signed) un homebrew non firmato.


twingolover ha scritto:PUP Viewer Beta by ifcaro Released BETA


PUPView è una applicazione GUI usata per vedere ed estrarre il contenuto di un file di aggiornamento firmware della PS3 PUP.
Al momento permette solo l' estrazione del contenuto, ma l' autore promette delle future migliorie anche per quanto riguarda la creazione di nuovi PUP files grazie al rilascio della nuova KEY


twingolover ha scritto:KaKaRoTo ps3utils - PUP Packer Code

Lo sviluppatore ha rilasciato il suo PUP Packer Code grazie al quale è possibile creare i propri custom firmware


twingolover ha scritto:Tutorial di Veritas Psx-Scene per avviare giochi FW3.50 su FW 3.41 ... ory-74327/

TUTORIAL On how to modify Eboot.bin yourself to try to make it works !
Originally Posted by Veritas?
I've actually written this a few times and promptly lost it due to browser instability. Oops.

Anyway, this guide requires you to have some knowledge of how the SELF and ELF file formats are laid out. I don't have a quick tool to do this for me, but it takes maybe 5 minutes of my time to do it by hand.

1. Open EBOOT.BIN in a hex editor of your preference.
2. In EBOOT.BIN, look at the SELF control info, if you see anything resembling the game titleid, it's an NPDRM SELF and this guide won't work, give up.
3. Use readself on EBOOT.BIN to get information about the encrypted metadata sections.
4. unself EBOOT.BIN eboot.elf
5. Open eboot.elf in a hex editor of your preference.
6. In eboot.elf, go to every encrypted metadata section (now decrypted), copy its data, and replace the encrypted data in EBOOT.BIN.
7. In EBOOT.BIN, change SELF header to indicate it's FSELF.
8. In EBOOT.BIN, change SELF section headers that are marked as encrypted to say they are not encrypted.
9. If the game is a newer SDK version (like GT5, which is 3.50), in EBOOT.BIN, find the .sys_proc_param segment and change the SDK version to something earlier, such as 3.41. This will probably cause crashes in games that actually use newer SDK features that are not available in earlier SDK versions.
10. Save EBOOT.BIN
11. Cross fingers, run game, hope it works.

gt5 USA
gt5 eur
nfs us
nfs eur

twingolover ha scritto:Gpup v1.00 Released (PUP ExtractorPacker)

un altro tool più completo che permette vedere, estrarre e ricompattare un file PUP.

Tra le caratteristiche:
1. Aggiunto supporto all HMAC Key;
2. Fixato supporto al nome dei file per i nuovi firmware;
3. Aggiunto supporto per i file incrementali del file d' update (PS3PATCH.PUP);
4. Rimosso configurazioneXML (ora la configurazione è salvata nel file config.bin);


Non andate OT .... il mio è un fraterno consiglio!
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15 set 2010, 17:12

Re: Custom Firmware - raccolta Tools

da kibbutz » 13 gen 2011, 1:52

ciao volevo provare a creare il file pkg della mia copia originale di bayonetta, e volevo chiedere se bastava usare solo PS3FOXX-GUI-MAJ by Foxx1984 o se serviva dell'altro. grazie mille in anticipo e buona serata a tutti :chandon:
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Re: Custom Firmware - raccolta Tools

da Rancid(o) » 13 gen 2011, 16:43

kibbutz ha scritto:ciao volevo provare a creare il file pkg della mia copia originale di bayonetta, e volevo chiedere se bastava usare solo PS3FOXX-GUI-MAJ by Foxx1984 o se serviva dell'altro. grazie mille in anticipo e buona serata a tutti :chandon:

Non so dirti sono tutte utility per windows :vomitino: , mai provate... :srhug:
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Ps3ita Team



Iscritto il

21 mag 2010, 18:31


Terra - 1978


Slim CEX 4.55R/Fat 60gb DEX PS3ITA

Re: Custom Firmware - raccolta Tools

da twingolover » 17 gen 2011, 9:48

aggiunti nuovi tools e tutorial in ingelese per creare game pkg
Non andate OT .... il mio è un fraterno consiglio!

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