I take no credit for this tutorial(ok a little) as it made up of the findings of Naha09 or Israyal, Kayot and Valarnin.. and Japsander. This is a 2 Part Tutorial so you need to read all of it.
From Japsander
To make a custom PKG Game
Download EBOOT Creation Kit
http://www.multiupload.com/3ANQYAXWKGThis application is all automated. So its a step by step proccess that does EVERYTHING for you
Its preety much Press Enter for the whole proccess. So i wont go into it.
At the end you’ll have a custom PKG. (the file size is very small so you can install it via *Install Package Files (if you want)
Then install the main contense of your game via FTP if the files are too large or Comgenie’s Awesome File Manager.
If the game is cutup into parts, install it to the hard drive first, then move the files from USRDIR to dev_hdd0/game/BLESXXXXX/ do not replace the EBOOT.
Now for Part 2:
From Israyal/Naha09
To make a custom PSN Pill. [3.55 or 3.41] (its what appears when you download a PSN game)
1: FTP into /dev_hdd0/vsh/task/ and make folder a folder called 0000XX (the folder name is random so it will be any number) to make it a bit easier, go to Brewology.com and download a random PSN package. Install it. This will make the folder for you.
2: Now you should have a folder 000000XX go into it and pull the folowing files down: d0.pdb (psn database) d1.pdb and ICON_FILE.
3: Drag d0.pdb file into a Hexeditor HXD is a good hexeditor.
4: Change the name of the current PKG to what you want it to be, it has to be same amount of letters as the previous name,(so make sure you get a largish pkg, like a demo or something, so you have more room to work with) otherwise it wont show, although it can be anything, as long as you dont add or subtract to the pdb.
5: Change the Content-ID to the name of your homemade pkg. eg: IV0001-BLESXXXX_00-00000000000000. You have to make these edits to d0.pdb and d1.pdb
6: Now for the part i actually did discover XD. Put .jpg on the end of the ICON_FILE to make it editable in say InfranView. It will come up with a standard icon. Now, take any picture you’d like (this will be the image you’ll see in the bubble)
7: Take the ICON_FILE from earlier, put .jpg on the end and go to edit in InfranView. Look at the dimentions on the picture, change your custom icon to match those of the ICON_FILE. Delete the old icon file. And rename your new custom icon to ICON_FILE.
8: Now fire up FTP, and head to dev_hdd0/task/00000XX/. Upload your files youve just made and also take the custom PKG and upload that as well into the same directory. Turn off the PS3, then turn it back on.
(If you forget the PKG, you’ll get an error stating the package couldnt be found.)
9: Now the package you’ve just uploaded should now be in a “PSN Pill” Press on it, and it will install.
Go back on to part 1 to install the rest of the game.
Just like Backup Managers, some games may not work, the EBOOT creator is still pretty experimental, so it wont be perfect but some games will work. Vanquish for example.