[Aggiornato al 29/01] Stato CFW PS3ITA COBRA 4.65 DEX e CFW Setup v5
Lo sviluppo del CFW PS3ITA COBRA 4.65 DEX e del CFW Setup v5 è ripreso!!
Due ragazzi ci hanno donato una ps3 slim e una ps3 fat…
Vogliamo ringraziare con tutto il cuore questi 2 fantastici ragazzi: “Grazie infinite Carlo!! Grazie infinite Pablo!!” (senza di voi non avremo mai potuto continuare il nostro “lavoro”).
Grazie anche a tutte le persone che hanno dimostrato attaccamento verso il nostro team e che hanno offerto il loro aiuto.
Ci si rivede presto ;)
The CFW PS3ITA COBRA 4.65 DEX and CFW Setup v5 are back in development!!
Two guys have given us a ps3 slim and a ps3 fat..
We want to say a heartfelt thank you to these two wonderful guys: “Thank you so much Carlo!! Thank you so much Pablo!!” (without you we will never have been able to continue our “work”).
Thanks also to all the people who have shown attachment and supported our team.
See you soon guys ;)
Natale triste :(
Avevamo in progetto un bel po’ di novità, il rilascio di un CFW PS3ITA COBRA 4.65 DEX (migliorato notevolmente rispetto al vecchio 4.50 DEX) e una nuova versione del CFW Setup. Ma siamo stati costretti a sospendere lo sviluppo.
Purtroppo non abbiamo più una PS3, l’ultima è andata in YLOD per la seconda volta, un’altra è stata brikkata e non è più recuperabile a causa di una nand danneggiata, altre 2 sono state distrutte l’anno scorso..
Nessuno di noi naviga nell’oro, i soldi per una nuova PS3 non ci sono e troppo è stato speso in passato..
Vista la situazione siamo costretti per il momento a dire addio alla scena PS3 e lasciare i nostri progetti chiusi nel cassetto per chissà quanto tempo..
Odiamo doverlo fare, non ci piace chiedere soldi, ps3ita non è nata per questo scopo, ma vista la situazione ci vediamo costretti a chiedere una mano.
Se qualcuno ha una vecchia ps3 da donare può contattarci al seguente indirizzo email ps3itateam@ps3ita.it oppure può donare una piccola somma cliccando sul seguente bottone.. Grazie a chi ci aiuterà!!
Sad christmas :(
We had planned to release a lot things, an CFW PS3ITA COBRA 4.65 DEX (greatly improved in comparison to the old 4.50 version) and a new version of CFW Setup.. But we were forced to suspend development of these..
Sadly we have no more PS3, last went in YLOD for the second time, another was bricked and is no longer recoverable due to a damaged NAND, other two ps3 have been fucking last year..
None of us sail in the gold, there are no money for a new ps3 and too much has been spent in the past..
Given the situation we are forced for the moment to say goodbye to the PS3 scene and leave our projects close in the drawer.
We hate having to do it, we not like ask for money, ps3ita not born for this purpose, but given the situation we are forced to ask a hand.
If anyone has an old ps3 to be donated, may contact us at the following address ps3itateam@ps3ita.it or if someone wants donate a small amount can use the button below. Thanks to those who will give us an help!!
Hello! I’ve been following your site for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the good job!
Amazing work guys, but i hope you can keep it up and make a tool to check for these updates if they’re possible and then it will be more safly to make these without bricking ps3
We have finally a TRUE working spoof!! :D
We only tested on 4.65 ps3ita cobra DEX but it should work on any cfw…
Hell yea when is it release
Release the 4.65 cobra bro
i cant whait for the new release . ps3ita 4.65 dex ohhh my god . thad is the atomic bomb of the year .thx ps3 ita team
Sleeping or what? We do not have the new team ita
There is a new CFW Dragons 4.66.4 it sucks ;S
whats going on here? live with the fact that there is only a semi-fix for now. PS3ITA stands for quality not for “we are the first who release bullshit”! i hate posts like yours. go and get another FW or wait and stay with ITA!!!
TO EVERYONE: rancid(o) will inform us when there is an update. don’t ask everyday! do you guys have nothing else to do than play or mod online?
you can’t read English?
I clearly said we are waiting for ps3ita and if you think that we don’t have anything else to do than play or mod online? why you are here? and who are you to judge us all ?
and don’t talk like you are ps3ita team leader.
you are just a wacky trying to showoff.
I did not ask you from the first place so don’t put your nose everywhere.
ps3ita team,
please say something well you. is there a fix or CFW ?
seems nav-only solution does not work after all its just semi fix with bugs more than the benefit.
we believe on you and depends on you
we are willing to support you because we all know from the inside that ps3ita team is the best ever and never give up on us, you are the last hope and as matter of fact you are the only hope left for us. we are in a hurry true but off course we can wait. just give us a date………
toujour pas de fix? svp trouver un fix
hello how are you? my cfw and 4.65.1 snake dex .and can not play more online , leave some updating to dex so we can return to play online
ola tudo bem? minha cfw e a 4.65.1 cobra dex .e não consigo jogar mais online, sairá alguma atualização para dex pra que possamos voltar a jogar online
Rancid(o) HiJaM GunZ su youtube ha pubblicato un video molto interessante su come accedere al PSN su un CFW inferiore al 4.66, spiegando che la Sony ha aggiornato il VSH.self, da quanto ho capito una specie di protocollo, quindi non è stato patchato alcun spoofer, spero di esserti stato d’aiuto, Grazie di tutto PS3ITA Team!
any news yet on how to get dex consoles back online?
rebug 4.65 get online today. change the debug settings to nav-only np to on. using rebug toolbox. is a semi fix . rogero 4.65 cex is online too.
You can do that too on CFW ps3ita..
– Start Cfw Setup v4
– Go to “Sysconf_plugin.sprx type:” and set it to “CEX”
– After restart, go in debug settings and you should find “nav-only np” option.
But can you use tmapi or no
dude im trying this and what happends is when i like try to load up my game it freezes my console
Fuk that
dears ps3ita team.
please confirm that you are working on ps3ita CFW Dex 4.66. if you need your support we are here to help you guys to release the CFW before all.
now wi all know sony have pacht the spoof and is not working to get online is just give error msg ps3 error 80710a06 are working on Ps3Ita dex 4.66 Plz i love you guys and your Cfw
Italian Hi I want to know you are working on CFW 4.66 DEX because I really love your CFW and I would not go home Rebug ?? :)
We were very very close to the release of CFW 4.65 COBRA (was in testing) but now that spoof not longer working… we do not know what to do..
Let’s see if we can find a solution..
rancid.you are the man soon o later.you will fix the ploblem..i trust in ps3 ita team . the best of the best.cfw all the time. so one more time lest put sony dowm.and make a new spoffer o cfw dex.thx ps3 ita team
am sorry but they are not patched the spoof-ers but they change the PSN server and this way we get this error if you cold make the new spoofer with the new servers as you can see :
80710A06 = cell ssl connect handshake error/cell ssl certificate verification failed
0001:target CEX
today hijan gunz make a test vsh habib and go online on rebug 4.65,2 is a proof of concept .so look like very soon we be online
try to change vsh.self from 4.66
Sempre a vostra disposizione.. Grazie a voi.
P.S. Farete anche il nuovo CFW DEX? Se si, ricordatevi del bug sui temi dinami, grazie ;)
I have an original DECH** PS3 if i can help you somehow – mail me
great news guys! thanks to all supporters and thanks to the great ps3ita team. looking forward to see your next cfw!
greets luix
How are the situetion? You have a PS3 with DEX?
It would be very cool if you guys can upload the 4.65 DEX OFW
Sorry but we can’t do it..
Who gave us the OFW not want and we respect his choice..
do you still need money or a ps3?
greets luix
The current situation is this:
we received one ps3 slim from a good guy, but it has the OFW 4.55 instead of the CFW Rogero 4.55.. We have an e3 flasher now and will try to do the downgrade to ps3.
Another guy sent us an ps3 fat with ylod issues but we will have to pay 47 euros of shipping costs.. This ps3 is not arrived yet..
I can not help, hoping to release PS3ITA 4.65/6 Without COBRA
You can switch off the cobra mode don’t worry..
How could I help?
Have DECH J00A.
Posso testare io per voi i CFW HO UNA PS3 FAT(CAVIA) con E3 attaccato è dex
Se riusciamo a finire il cfw ti contattiamo per testare il cfw ;)
Se volete io ho una fat che non la uso ed è 4.46 dex
Forse abbiamo già trovato la ps3 che ci serve..
Ti facciamo sapere se qualcosa va storto..
Grazie cmq per l’interessamento.. ;)
Purtroppo la ps3 che ci è stata mandata aveva installato un ofw invece di un cfw..
Siamo al punto di partenza.. :(
La tua fat con cfw 4.46 dex è ancora disponibile?
If you havnt posted on NGU yet do you mind if I link this post to help with the donations. NextGenUpdate has lots of ita fans and I’m sure would be more then willing to help. I’m also going to put in some support as well.
Come già detto nel forum, io ho una ps3 fat 60 gb che non uso più dato che da un avviso a schermo di surriscaldamento e poi si spegne. Se può servirvi, contattatemi.
vero , senza ps3 è impossibile ma se vi serve una mano per finire qualche patch potete contare su di me
Al cfw manca completamente la parte che riguarda l’emulazione dei giochi ps2, la funzione che al boot cambia il console id con uno a scelta e quella che avvia il system manager..
Inoltre avevamo delle idee (non sviluppate ancora) su come risolvere il problema di compatibilità con il target manager, con il debugger e un metodo alternativo per disabilitare il core cobra (senza rinominare o cancellare il file stage2.bin)
Più il cfw setup.
Capite che senza una ps3 è impossibile per noi finire il lavoro..
Se volete posso aiutarvi a finire il cfw
Se volete ragazzi posso provvedere io a cfw setup v5,lo posso compilare e testare tranquillamente.
Per il cfw non so come fare ragazzi….comunque su ebay si trovano ps3 con CFW a pochissimo massimo 130 euro
Sfortuntamente non posso darvi la mia ps3…però posso propormi come tester avendo un teensy e quindi anche se brikko posso sbrikkarmi
I test it for yall send me the pup.how much yall need to come up with
The CFW is not finished yet, we can not finish it and the homebrew CFW setup without a ps3..
Do Anyone of you have a hardware flasher for a ps3, so you can downgrade? I Wouldnt mind donating because i use this cfw the most but I want to make sure that my money will be put to good use.
Hi Pnzii
We have an hardware flasher (progskeet), but it work only for a few old model of PS3.. (CECHCxx, CECHExx and maybe CECHAxx and CECHBxx)
Which model is your PS3?
I have a e3 flasher and i have 2 ps3s cech-2501a and cech-2001b
Nooooooo :'(