[Rumors] Aria Persian Manager – Manager che avvia backup PSX,PS2 e PS3
In questo mare di notizie (rivelatesi spesso fake), appare questo rumors relativo ad un nuovo Backup manager clone di Multiman che promette a detta del team di sviluppo , cose fantastiche, tra cui la possibilità di avvio dei backup dei titoli PSX ,PS2 e PS3.
In sintesi permetterebbe:
- The PS1 games
- The PS2 Games
- The PSP games
- The Sega game. Micro. … Nintendo Without installing any accessories
- A browser and update opera as-team ps3
- The ISO feature blu-ray movies
- Visiting the site with a browser capable of Persian opera as-team ps3
- Run the game directly without reset
- Possible to run games from the original DVD directly without having to drive
- Rjyn can easily change the console (this feature only for the crystalline film is used)
- Different appearance (along with the music theme)
- RAR and ZIP file and run it ….
- A disk image of any kind and any information
- Full support for search in the Persian
- Ability to change font and font color changes on SHOW TIME
- X-PLORE multimedia applications and features high
- NIMBUZZ and chat programs on the environment (F A Q B and K, and Yahoo)
- To read PDF files
in più ci sono riferimenti a due versioni di fw 3.55 e 3.73
- (Q) What was not reported in Persian date Azar 10 due date?
- (A) More compatible with firmware 3.73 and the discussion of other security programs
- (Q) This decision should be taken in the Persian date Azar 10 days?
- (A) Wanted to sponsor the program is complete. In those days the issue was being hacked firmware 3.73 by Kakarvtv. They wanted to be released CFW 3.73 times that no manager was still able to run on CFW 3.73 Aria Persian Manager easily and with special ability to be run.
- (Q) The firmware hack discussion these days is the fourth time by Kakaroto. I still see a delay in the publication of the program will support four of the firmware?
- (A) Aytvry decided that after being hacked firmware CFW 4 and out for an update will be released that can be run on CFW 4.
- (Q) 3.73 and 3.55 will be released in two versions of the program?
- (A) No – the program will be published in a decision that we update every 3 months and plan to add more features and newer.
- (Q) Why not try the earlier version for 3.55? That CFW 3.73 has been released yet!
- (A) Sponsor the team plans to release both versions simultaneously.
inoltre si vocifera , quindi rumors anch' esso, un aggiornamento continuo per supportare anche il firmware successivo al 4.00.
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