Passa al nostro ps3ita 4.50
NOTE: You must be on Rebug CEX2DEX for this to work, works for any version of Rebug
Things you'll need:
- PS3 on Rebug
- 3.55 DEX Downgrader
- 4.50 ITA
- PS3ITA Manager 1.51
Go from Rebug to ITA:
Step 1: Make sure you are on Rebug DEX. Open Rebug Tool Box and Check your System Information.
Step 2: Download 3.55 DEX Downgrader. ( You don't need to switch to CEX)
Step 3: Create a folder on your USB PS3>UPDATE>PS3UPDAT.PUP < Place 3.55 DEX Downgrader
Step 4: Put the USB in your PS3 and install it.
Step 5: After you are on 3.55 DEX, Download 4.50 ITA
Step 6: Do the same thing and install 4.50 ITA
Step 7: Viola! you are on ITA.
NOTE: Go to the debug settings and set if not already:
- “NP Enviroment” on np
- “Boot Mode” on “System Software Mode”
- “Region Settings” to your region
Go Online on ITA:
Step 1: Download and Install PS3ITA Manager 1.51
Step 2: Open PS3ITA Manager 1.51 and press x, then press x on NO.
Step 3: Press Start Button and go to Network Tools.
Step 4: Press on Set new ID, you must type manually (Only if banned, skip if not)
Step 5: Quit PS3ITA Manager
Step 6: Now you can go and Sign In
NOTE: If you get an error when signing in:
Open the PS3ita manager, press start and go to network tools then Restore Original Console ID EID5 and sign in.
Inviato da Air su iphone 4 6.0.1 JB